Sunday, September 23, 2012

For the love of Bach

Some of you may be wondering why I have chosen the name The Bread Bachs instead of The Bread Box. Long story short, The Bread Box was taken all ready. Not for a website but for someones email. I originally was creating a new email account and wanted The Bread Box as my email but it was taken. So i thought to myself, "what other way is there to spell the word box?" I thought for a few minutes and then it hit me. I love the composer Bach and therefor I said The Bread Bachs. A perfect fit!

Every person who attends my class will become a "Master Composer" at bread baking. You will be able to fine tune your bread into the most awesomeness of awesome. Each ingredient plays a vital importance in the scale of baking. Each piece has its own melody and must harmoniously blend together with the others to sound and taste beautiful. You may be asking, "Bread doesn't have a sound does it?" To be truthful, it does. When you first pull out a fresh baked artisan loaf, you hear a wonderful crackling sound of the golden brown crust. If you tap the bottom of the loaf, it will sound like kettle drums.. Its quite awesome if you ask me.

I have further decided that some of my recipes shall feature this composers namesake. It will be tribute to a well known composer who is excellent at mastering the art of music.

A twist on a traditional Greek Desert.

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